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Vélopolitain pricing applies to e-bikes & e-scooters. Bicycle riders ride for their usual price in this zone!

In some pony cities, Velopolitain lines are in place. Pony's vélopolitain zone allows you to move freely between 2 vélopolitain stations at a fixed price for 20 minutes. If you need any additional time to get where you need to go, the usual per minute fee is applied.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Vélopolitain parking spots are marked with a purple V


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Parking spots outside the vélopolitain zone are marked with a pink P


Start & end your ride in a zone marked by a purple V symbol.

Start & end your ride in a zone marked by a purple V symbol.

👉 If you start your trip on a parking zone outside the line, the regular fees apply.

👉 If you start your trip on the vélopolitain line, but end your trip on a parking zone outside the line, the regular fees apply.

👉 You may travel freely between different vélopolitain lines: you can end your ride on a different line than where you started, as long as they are both vélopolitain parking spots!

Check the pony app for the latest information on the vélopolitain lines and their stations !